
    Christine Crumpler-Graf


    Grants Manager, Nonprofit Development Professional




  • Projects and Publications

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    Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting

    13 page CSR report for a 13 building leasing property. A template of this report was created in order to be used by any property within the same company, and used here for anonymity.

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    Grant Proposal


    Sample proposal, one of many successfully funded proposals resulting in over $1M of foundation and corporate funding from 2021 - 2023.

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    Grant and Funder Prospecting

      Extensive experience using a vast set of both formal and informal resources to research funding opportunities with the best fit and liklihood of funding.

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    Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste

    In a series of Beginner's Guides crafted for Inside Social Responsibility, the Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste is the first. It contains information and guidance on reducing our environmental impact through every day actions.


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    Inside Social Responsibility

    www.InsideSocialResponsibility.com started as a sandbox project created to gain experience in website creation and maintenance. This project has now evolved into a landing page for projects and writings that relate to Social Responsibility, such as grant writing and volunteering.


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    Pitch Decks and B2B Proposals

    Investor pitch deck and business proposal experience using Canva, Microsoft, and Google Workspace tools.

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    Grants Dashboards

    After years of edits and additions I've made this Grants Dashboard spreadsheet available to others and have been happy to see it add value to the work of everything from small nonprofits to large county and city departments. With 5 main editable tabs that include customized drop downs, graphs, and checkboxes, this spreadsheet will help you visualize your data and stay on top of all deadlines and projects. Perfect for fundraisers, executive directors, grant writers, grants managers, and more.

  • Bio

    "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.." Albert Pike


    Grants manager, nonprofit development professional, certified zero-waste professional, artist, and an avid supporter of local nonprofits and cause-based businesses. I believe in continuously seeking paths that make the world a little better, and in searching for new ways to improve myself and my community.

    Project History

    2023. Volunteer Interim Executive Director- Austin Startup Nonprofit

    2023. Board Member, Development Chair - YNPN Austin

    2020. Development and Marketing Internship - Refugee Services Nonprofit

    2019. Corporate Social Responsibility Project Manager

    2018. Certified Zero Waste Professional with the City of Austin

    2017. Zero Waste Block Leaders Volunteer

    2017. Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting Internship

    2016. Grant Writing Internship - Amala Foundation

    2015. Fundraising Volunteer - Globetrotting for Good

    2015. Grant Writing and Development Volunteer Intern - CROW

  • Contact


    Please fill out the form below or contact me at Christine.Crumpler@outlook.com for a copy of my resume, or to connect and collaborate.

  • Fiber Art

    Modern, Custom Weavings, Embroidery, and Knits.

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    Calm. Embroidery with Custom Frame

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    Beanie with Custom Leather Scrap Tag

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    Bread and Roses. Floral Double Knit with Custom Frame

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    Knit Wrap

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